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    We increase the focus on our “FREJA – Code of Conduct”

    FREJA Code of Conduct

    The FREJA Group is a Nordic company that has consistently followed local laws and conventions with due care. For that reason and from a historical perspective, we have not worked very much on the subject of human rights. With new markets and registrations in other European countries as well as China, our focus is on decent treatment of our fellow human beings.

    The Board of Directors, together with the day-to-day management, work under the sta­tement that the organization represents different competencies, ages and genders and is generally non-discriminatory.

    The FREJA Group has many subcontractors of transport services that employ labor outside the Nordic countries. Thus, we introduced the "Code of Conduct for Hauliers" in 2014. It describes what we, in FREJA, consider good business morals and ethics. Our sup­pliers of transport services all sign this Code of Conduct upon conclusion of a freight contract with FREJA.

    In 2018, FREJA followed up on this focus by actively working on CSR initiatives in connec­tion with UN's Sustainable Development Goals. We are particularly focused on the people and our pursuits to ensure healthy life, knowledge and inclusion for all employees.

    “The next step is to introduce our Code of Conduct to all our subcontractors throughout 2019. The final stage is when our suppliers from the first stage pass on the process to their subcontractors. There is no doubt that this will strengthen both FREJA's business and the businesses of our subcontractors and will reduce the risk of human rights vio­lations” FREJA’s Managing Director Denmark, Jan Sunde, FREJA explains.

    FREJA will continue to spread awareness of the FREJA Code of Conduct in the value chain. All our significant hauliers have signed the haulage contractor agreement, where the Code of Conduct for Suppliers is included in the appendices. We will continue to devel­op frequent audits and quality assurance programs in order to ensure that everyone is not only aware of, but also adheres to the content. And here you can find all the information about the most popular collection of friv games.

    In addition, in the future we will work to ensure that significant suppliers in the value chain become aware of and accept our Code of Conduct, so that we ensure they have the same attitude towards business morals and ethics.